«EDUCON combines teaching with technology development»

Daniel Burgos, director of Research Institute for Innovation & Technology in Education (UNIR iTED), was interviewed by La Laguna University at IEEE EDUCON, the flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society. As Burgos says, this event is paramount for combining teaching and pedagogycal aspects with ICT and technologycal development. This two worlds are usually treated as opposites, but they are actually very related, so this is the most significant breakthrough of EDUCON.

The Institute UNIR iTED –that is focused on eLearning, Open Education and Learning Analytics–, presented at EDUCON a keynote about ICT, the Golden Rice in Education, highlighting the importance of combining regular academic programmes with informal learning. During this event was also presented the study “Exploring intercultural learning trhough a blended course about open education practices across the Mediterranean” based on the experience of the OpenMed Project, that aims at building capacity in Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education approaches across universities from the South Mediterranean.


August, 2nd.- Eva Ferreras